The History and Christian Perspectives Universitary Mission Semisud and Jhon Knox

Imagen relacionadaRome City  Anno Domini   66 -69 Vitellium  on Great Funtionary .  in the Imperial Suorces his Firts Name  is On Example in joshepus Flaviuos . in the longs Days  from the Wars intry Romen and  others Nation s

The Nexts  intry the Firts  Christians  Comunitys livings on Proscription intry the Greater Corruptions

his Name is views by the just Historian joshepus  in the his Activity   by the Imperial Order
in times . in Who Are  he Circus . and  his Execives Formers . exposed on Activity . Nevers Views
by the Proconsul.
Resultado de imagen para watchtower illustration biblicas
intry the firts just Comunitys. Hebrews and Christian s 
in the  Vision from the true History Christian
and in ours Conciencies in the remenberings  of Everytimes in Chrsit my lord and Saviuor by Forever

in the Return of the Times to these New Century XXI in continues funtion and love by my lord


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