The Honor to Christ and Not to Men and Possition and Autochratic Semisud and Jhon knox Apologetics

“Algo similar a lenguas de fuego” aparecieron sobre las cabezas de unos 120 discípulos, y “todos se llenaron de espíritu santo”.In the Times from the First  Century    The just  and  Inspirated  Men  in order of God  living the valor and honors to Christ ours Lord and Saviuor .

in the Healthy theaching and Doctrine . of faith  and justice.

Christ is ours Major Example and Valor that the Men in Anti -possition Heretical s

in those time s   from great controversy and heresy.   and Pseudo Theology  Not Christians . in the Conciencies  to the Manuscriptes

the History and the Christians  Possition is the Major postured from Everytimes . to ours present Days.

is christ the faithfull true from Everytimes. that others Types . by   Autochratic possition far s  to the true from that Guide to the Manuscriptes in  his pages by order the Holy Spirit ..

In Times from the Century  I   and his firts faithfull Comunitys   in the Asian and Jerusalem and Great part from Everything Empire .Christ is ours Great Example that the falses Theology  today in Sectarian postured . and vision from the Manuscriptes in  ours Conciencies . and faith

that is in Christ ours Saviuor, in ours life 


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