The Study to The Bible and the History from Manuscriptes. Semisud and Jhon Knox.

Resultado de imagen para manuscritos biblicosThe Firts Study  and Universitary Mission  in  the Order and Reguister is   on Oustantings point to the vision of the Firts Repherentials. to the Bible,

his  order and  his  Conmemoratives Act s  by the Inspirated and Holy  History   to  the Present Instrucction in Theology and Healthy Theachings  Orilginallymind Christian in ours Times . Exposed ours Mission . of the Character from the Bible far s  to PSeudo Theachings  Never  Christians. today

¿ why well is ours Conciencies to Christ that the Others points not Christians to the Inspirated Texts and  Sacred  Mansucriptes

in the  testimony of the Old History . and present Acts to ours Present Times in the Century XXI
and ours just Pugned by the True  that is ours lord Jesus Christ forever  of the Today  Humans Heresy   and Confutions

Un hombre buscando un libro en una estantería llena de libros

Jhon Chapter 5 v-39   in the Scriptures is the faithfull Reguister of ours lord Jesus Christ to Differencies of the Heresy Not  and Nevers  Christians  Originallymind

in Search from the True in ours lord Jesus Christ.  in the Manuscriptes Inspirateds, and in On Conciencies just.

to on seriuos Heresy from ones 1.693 years in the past times to the Seriuos Reason of the Bible and the Manuscriptes in ours lord Jesus Christ  forever  in the Nicea Concillium, Rome, in the Arriana Controversy from the times in Confution and Memory.


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