Archives from isreal and vaticani Studies . today Manuscriptes and texts . Hebrew and Greek koine

Imagen relacionadaThe factor Mores important is the Apologetic from the Contexts and the Origings of the Copy
the Centre is the firts Scale isreal and the Others is the translation of the Vaticani . intry the Contexts Mores Acient .
intry the Dr .

in the years . 1234 and 1345  Centurys
Resultado de imagen para archivo vaticano
intry  origianl copys . in his fcator and order . and the true causes from the Studies , in the Concordancies and theology . today Christian . in the  Hebrew pensum    Acient and the the Greek , koine 

that isdifferent to present Greek lenguage Conmon.

and the texts .Manys just in his copys . and enlaces to ours Study today in directtion to christ . in All his Redention and justice.  


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