The Biblical and Scientific Vision in the Contac the Astronautic and texts of the PSalms in 1969 -2019
in the Scientific odservation of the Lunar Module of the Geminis.I the Illustred Astronuatic . F Aldrin and He Dr Neil Arstromg s and the Illustred Apolo 11
part of on odjetive in Conmemorative of the Causes of the Pages of the Bible is on Spetial Menssage . to All the Earth.

is one of the Mores Greater Menssage in the PSalms in the Astro Phisys . in the texts of the King David to the Just and Holy Manuscriptes Inspirated. to ours vision and honor to the Manuscriptes . in Mores of ones longs Study to the .PSalmo 8 chapter v-3 8
in the Remenbering of ones 50 year in his odservatory possition Scientific. to Order of the All the Creation intry the Universes and beyonds
Stars. in his {Kosmos} . in Greek . Bio Worlds. far s. in the Major Study to the Manuscriptes.
to Evidency of the Creation and Others Universes Existentials . in Fars and Infinitys . Stars Deeps.

Stars. in his {Kosmos} . in Greek . Bio Worlds. far s. in the Major Study to the Manuscriptes.
to Evidency of the Creation and Others Universes Existentials . in Fars and Infinitys . Stars Deeps.
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