The Biblical and Scientific Vision in the Contac the Astronautic and texts of the PSalms in 1969 -2019

Resultado de imagen para la obra detus manos  salmos pergaminos biblicos.
in the Scientific odservation of the Lunar Module of the Geminis.I  the Illustred Astronuatic .   F Aldrin  and  He Dr Neil Arstromg s and  the Illustred Apolo 11

Resultado de imagen para la lunapart of on odjetive in Conmemorative  of  the Causes of the Pages of the Bible is on Spetial Menssage . to All the Earth.

is one of the Mores Greater Menssage  in the PSalms  in the  Astro Phisys . in the  texts of the King David to the Just and Holy Manuscriptes Inspirated. to ours vision and honor to the Manuscriptes . in Mores of ones  longs Study to the .PSalmo 8 chapter  v-3  8

Resultado de imagen para casco de astronautain the Remenbering of ones  50 year in his odservatory possition Scientific. to Order of the All the Creation  intry  the Universes   and beyonds

Stars. in his {Kosmos} . in Greek . Bio Worlds. far s.  in the Major Study to the Manuscriptes.

to Evidency of the Creation and Others Universes Existentials . in Fars and Infinitys . Stars  Deeps.


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