The Exactly Mission from Biblicals Archeology Study jerusalem and isreal

Imagen relacionadaExist others postured and long s Study in the Exactly  Arqueology in the Study to  the Original History and the Canon .  of the false  from Repherencies to Other Incover  History . 
the  I   Posssition from the historiam  Hebrew  Latin  Jhosephus  Flaviuos  and the Sculture in the City of Paris . Freach .

in the famous today Luvre Museum,

is these Sculture Not Christian Uttillity from on type of Christ  Not Biblicals . in the Illustred Museum of the City Paris freach . he Luvre.

Resultado de imagen para louvre franciain Contradition to the Original Reprerencies of the True Crucifixtion . of the Inmemorail Times from the I Century . in the Mission of the tesimony in  the faithfull person from   hebrew  Historian  joshepus flavios and Seutoniuos . in Rome.

in the Reguister from josefus Exist  on Conmentary in the that the Romen s Explorer the true Croxifiction . type   { T }   and   {X } 

Never is these type of  Sculture part of ours lord jesus Christ is on Sculture of Oringing Greek and Not  to the Mission of the Original  Manuscriptes that Explorer the order of the true. originalmind Christian. Changes by the  Men in  his Anti Christian postured today.  to ours conciencies.
and the true to Manuscripte Hebrew Christain . in Exploration. to ours Eyes. 


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