The Firts Sources in juliuos Cesear in the Firts Dimention of the Bible .Jerusalem.

Imagen relacionadaIn the Inmemorials Eges . the Great Emperor Juliuos Cesear . and his testimony to in the Assignatured . of the Proconsul Pompey  .

in  the First Themes . of  the Conquesters   in  the City  Jerusalem .

and the Temple .  is the Historicity . of the Acts  Besfore of the just Nativity . from ours lord jesus Christ . in Whe are his proconsul . Exercises . on Great violency . intry the just priest  of the temple . and his greater Leguion s  

in the Descripted by joshepus in his texts . in the Explendors . of the firts Sources Christian. in Medie of the Acts . and his order. in past .

to ours present concordancies to the Relation of ourslord jesus christ and the   Divines  Manuscriptes

and the Earthly  History. true   Preparatory -   Christian   in the Longs Centurys . of ours present Days in Relation to ours past and present.

To just and Really Study from the Scriptures in Conciencies and healthy Doctrine of the falses point fars to Events of the Christian s . and his Direct Relation Conmemorative to ours lord jesus christ. in the testimony of the All the history Divine.


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