The Hebrew Texts . in Tichendorf. translation in Correct postured to the Holy Manuscriptes Greek Koine.Semisud and Jhon Knox.

Resultado de imagen para konstantin Tischendorf foto a colorThe firts possition is the Holy Manuscriptes from the  Greek Sextuaginte  by Saint Jeronimus Dalmatian  in his firts years and times in isreal.

40 years of former in Investtigation and Canon .
and the others Types from Studies . in the Beginings . of the  original Hebrew  and Arameic s.

in the Studie from the Scriptures . in levels Exactlys in  his Concordancies . and Apologetics.

Based in the oustantings . Mission of the Hebrew Concordancies in the Others . points . of Archeology and Canon.

is the Illustred Dr Thichendorf on just Example in the his Conmentarys.  from the canon . and his Studie to the Mission Reformate and Christian . to ours Day s.

Note on the charcteristic  of the Dr Tichendorf  was on Important valor to faithfull vision from Archeology in his order to isreal and others point . from the Mission Christians  in the texts .

in the Stdy from the manuscriptes and others vertion Original in postured Exactly call the vertion . and copy . hebrew and Arameics incluying the Maternal texts Koine Greek

and his correct and Not Change possition to the Not Pseudo Doctrine from  falses possition in the NOT Distortion for the Manuscriptes Hebrew Aramaics and Greek.


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