The Scriptures Hebrews and the firts Whachtmen of the Temple to the New Textament . Firts Day of the Week s.

Imagen relacionadaIn the firts Times of  The  just   Esdras . and  his copys . in   the inspiration . to the Nexts Funtion of the Manuscriptes in based to the longs Study and History to II  and  Great Temple of  King Herodez Magnus .

in Times of the Firts Future Advenimient of ours lord Jesus Christ .

In Conmemoratives Times of the Emperator   Octavianus  Augustus  .  in the first Construcction of the

Areas of the temple . in  direction to jerusalem and his Scales . of  Levels  to on Service Descripted by the order of joshepus flaviuos in the Albor s of the firts Whachtmen. of the activity . not only in times

of the Old Sanedrin Hebrew if Not in based to others Studies in Esdras  and the just  Copys   of his testimony to the really of the Event in ours lord jesus christ in times pre and New Textamentarys.

Policías del templo detienen a dos hombres que son acusados por enemigos religiosos.
In the firts Superficies theys and his Order of Assignatures . .
the    I  Whacthcing  the Order   in the places of the temple  and cares.of the men of the Sanedrin 

II  Those  type s of   Men   was Assignated by order of the Sanedrin in based to the firts . Whachtmen  in times of Esdras. and  theys  was Habil s   Soldier . in  This   Assignatured. in the Areas of the temple.

in Conservation of the Order . and valor.s in the History of the in Based to ours Salvator and Lord Jesus Christ.


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