The Text in Ovtavianus Augustus and the Christian Possition.

Imagen relacionada Octavianus Augustos . was on of the Firts and progressives  Imperial  Lidher  from Rome . in   his Civita Possition   Guvernamental .
and by his Greater Ideas. in the Period of the Eges

in the firts Nativity of the Lord Jesus . in the Moon of  September . and   the Imperial postured  and possition

ours lord jesus Navitity . in his Times Conmemoratives.

Son Adoptive of julius  Cesear, in the vision of the firts Comflict in his order . of the Marco Antonium.  in  Times . in Who are the Imperial postured was on Crisis..

in the Seriuos Distric of judea and  Bethelem.   in the the first times of the Imperial .Answer of   All  the Centurys.

to ours present times . of the Comtemporanies History. in the just Manuscriptes.  in healthy valors..and Conciencies..


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