The Texts and his History Telaviv Museum Semisud and Jhon Knox

bizzarro-mesianismo_4Q161.jpgThe Manuscriptes Explorer Telaviv . isreal in These  important  Center 
today Kwen  by his history and Hebrew vocation . 

Imagenin ours Nexts point is the vision from the Studies Mores Important in the explendors from the   Holys Manuscriptes 

that Explorer the vision  Biblical Educational

in the Study and valor from the Bible in his Dimention just and exacthly to his healthy theachings and Divine Mission from the Canon.

the Present library of Gesron is on future vision to News Studies to the Manuscriptes . in his Perspectives
Schollar .

in factor Internationals to the Mission Hebrew ours Days in the Actual and present city of telaviv isreal. to ours Doors God Blessing to Isreal and palestinian  in peace and Hope ..


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