Semisud and jhon Knox. The Vertion and Explorer of the texts in ours lord jesus Christ.

in the Healthy Conciencies and Doctrine.
is the just valor from the manuscriptes by Mores of one s III Centurys in Experiencies . of the Expuries Not Christian .
to the true Manuscriptes Holys in the Testimony faithfull from the Sacred Gospel .
the true testimony part of the Originls Gospel in the Scale Educational . in the factor from Investtigation in Scared Scriptures. This is the Major Former in the Researchvs from the Holy Manuscriptes in the vision Christian .

by Centurys the investtigation of the Vaticani and by other s oustanting point of the Study in the Reformates parent s in European. and his Continued vision Globals.
in the Medie of the formation present Christian in ours vocation just and humble to the Reasoning of the Investtigation Global . in the Manuscriptes Inspirated s. today
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