Semisud and jhon Knox. The Vertion and Explorer of the texts in ours lord jesus Christ.

El icono de una mano escribiendoThe Study and Mission from the Inspirates  Reguster s  in direction to ours Lord JesusChrist is the Great Dimention Universitary of the vocation originallimind  to Christ .
in the Healthy Conciencies and Doctrine.

is the just valor from the manuscriptes by Mores of  one s   III Centurys in Experiencies . of the Expuries Not Christian .

to the true Manuscriptes Holys in the Testimony faithfull from the Sacred Gospel .

the true testimony part of the Originls Gospel in the Scale Educational . in the factor from Investtigation  in Scared Scriptures. This is the Major Former in the Researchvs from the Holy Manuscriptes in the vision Christian .

Peshitta Siríacaand the perspectives . of the Studies to the Canon. Originals . of the vertion Expuries . Not christian.

by Centurys the investtigation of the Vaticani and by other s oustanting point of  the Study in the Reformates parent s   in European.  and his  Continued  vision  Globals.
in the Medie of the formation present Christian  in ours vocation just and humble to the Reasoning of the Investtigation Global . in the Manuscriptes Inspirated s.    today


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