Semisud and Jhon knox. ours Important Menssage to the Ecology in valor to Australian.

Resultado de imagen para australia en grave riesgo climaticoToday ours propuse is on  just and Important  Menssage to Australian . and  the  Continued  Sucesss . Actual that part of the  the Bible and the  Seriuo s Events . in the Causes . of the Great   Climate Change 

and in Special to All the just person  of these Great Distric  and zone  in ours Preocupation by the Events , and the Act s ,

Imagen relacionadathat  views , today . in the Great Culpe of the Men s. in the Created . types . of  Affect   in this Zone . Bio Natural   in his Actuallity

Causes.   in the Bible Explaining  the Important Mission of the Cares the zones of the Areas of the Globe in the face from the Earth

and all his criatures . and his Habithat. She s part of the life in All the Creation . and his valor s..

in the texts of the Koine Greek of  the Book in Revelation and {Apokalipsys ..} in the Divine s Expretion Advertice the Next s Divine Expretion. of All the Times. Chapter 11 V -18

is the Great preocupation of God in the Areas . in These Important Zones Hemisperial. in the Bio Natural position . of the today Event . the Greek  Expretion  of the koine is discovery . in the lenguage . of the firts times . to ours today . preocupation . by the life in the Earth and his Ecology World


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