The faithful Defence in Times of the Firts Christian and the Prophety.

Imagen relacionadaIn the first Times . of the Christian Comunity . on of the Major defence s Apologeticals is the of the just Sthephen .

in the valors of to christ. in the word from origing s  of  the Koine Greek. in the Sextuaginte.  in the Beginings of the Texts of the Act s    his Expretion is . {Nabi...}   in the Context s  Hebrew Arameic s this Word is Designated . in this  Conttexts    how Defence faithfull of the First Prophety to Christ ours lord .

Resultado de imagen para imagenes de esteban martir jworgin others Expretion . of the Contexts Greek. and  in the direction of the Original Study to the Manuscriptes . Explorer. on Contexs. of Origing Greek. in based to the Sextuanginte Greek. in his faith Study and Formation . is . {Rib...}  in the defence of  lord God  in the Hermeneutics of the just Manuscriptes of the Bible.

and ours Defence to Christ . today to  The Deformation of points Not Biblicals . and in ours Christian . Conciencie s    to Really of the Christ. today  


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