The Great Promesy of Love Divine intry those II Great People. Isreal and Palestine Semisud and Jhon knox.

in the Nexts Study of the Berichith in the texts of the Manuscriptes.
in the Nexts Texts . in ours heart s. to those II Peoples in Honor to North America . And to Europe. today.
Genesis 21 v 8 -21 . here Exist on promesy intry II Brothers . in the Concordncies of the Genesis in the Order Divine of the Biblicals Manuscriptes.
is the Son of Abraham to ismael .
II Peoples Brothers .
today in ours Biblicals Study. God Blessing to isreal and Palestine.
The Lord Jesus living intry those II Great Peoples in the past of isreal. in hope and love..
The Lord Jesus living intry those II Great Peoples in the past of isreal. in hope and love..
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