The Valors of the Times in the Just Comunitys . in ours Valor to She.s Missipi 1959 -1960 today IberoAmerica Colombia 2020

ImagenIn Ours Honors to ours Brothers Afro Americans . and My Nexts Remenbering to his History of Love and faith . in the Hope Christian Today . 

Resultado de imagen para oliver stone
theys valients .
in his longs Days . in the honors to the Manuscriptes . and the Really Vision . of the life .

Remenbering to On Movie in seriuos Document of ours Great Friend Oliver Stone . and the Causes that Exist  in his Days .
 the why ours Love by the person and valor of the Bible in this World in Violation to Humble  Human Rigth s
Imagen relacionadaand the Protetion of the person and the life . in justice .

today in defence of the life of the person healthy and just possition Good .
to Ibero America .
and the ours defence to ours Brothers Afro american . in his valor and honors.

Today ours Major preocupation in the Hemispheriuos is Colombia.
the life of the person . just and Good in his Conciencie s and vision of love and valor to his Humans Rigth s. 

colombia Not is on Nation just  by the Major person . that Death in form s Injust
only God is ours hope to on World of valors . and Honor s. today Different to tha views to ours Eyes . only living in Peace Now..

love to the person to the really peace definited in Colombia . and the Not Corruption Adsoluted  by Times  in This Nation that  Not is just.

My Dedicatory to the familys of  the  Social Lidher s in Colombia  by Love to his lifes in peace and valors just today


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