Asyrian in the Manuscriptes inspirated .

Call to Babliu these in his Possition Between Two s City the First Babylon and the II Niniveh .
the Word Nexts and Expossitive , in the Holys Original s Manuscriptes in this Word {Babliu ..} in his translitration is . Call city of the Great Confution . and Niniveh is the Acient City of the Elohines . and God s in Desobediencies .
The ¿ Why Niniveh today the Actual Geo territory of Iran and Syrian .
in the Study descriptives to the Holys Manuscriptes . in the vision of Bible

the Part of This Great City . part of the firts Generation s. in the Others part of the Genesis . in Acient s Studys.
and the times of the just prophet jonas
and the Relation by the Pagan s God s.
Between his peoples.
the testimony of the Babliu Tower in who are Nimrod view . on Great Supranatural Act s of the Really God in the valley of Sinar . in the construcction of the Zigurath.
Nimrod kewn the great power of the God really . in his Inmemorial days. and the Others Face Not Known of this Poblations . intrys his Elohines .
and his Firts Great Transgretions. in the times and the others citys . in Desobediencies to Yahveh . that living . betwem his people . and theach things Not Obey to this Poblation of the Character Millenary. in the Scriptures
Note in the Complete manuscriptes of Alepo Existing others oustanting points . Not known by the Biblicals Theology today in his Major s Conciencie s.

and ours past to the these Century of Great Invention and Scientific. . Formulations
The God in desobey Theach to thoses peoples things . that the lord yhaveh Never Acept. in his creation.
the testimony of the Babliu Tower in who are Nimrod view . on Great Supranatural Act s of the Really God in the valley of Sinar . in the construcction of the Zigurath.
Nimrod kewn the great power of the God really . in his Inmemorial days. and the Others Face Not Known of this Poblations . intrys his Elohines .
and his Firts Great Transgretions. in the times and the others citys . in Desobediencies to Yahveh . that living . betwem his people . and theach things Not Obey to this Poblation of the Character Millenary. in the Scriptures
Note in the Complete manuscriptes of Alepo Existing others oustanting points . Not known by the Biblicals Theology today in his Major s Conciencie s.

and ours past to the these Century of Great Invention and Scientific. . Formulations
The God in desobey Theach to thoses peoples things . that the lord yhaveh Never Acept. in his creation.
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