My Consciencie to the Biblicals Order and healthy Mission . and differencies of the Opossition Anti Christian.

Today Exist Millies of Societys Not Christian . and She s  deformated  in his  origings of the Holys Manuscriptes . in his Examiner s.

Those is very Seriuos . to this societys  in Europe and North America. in his Opossition to others Christain in healhy theaching s of the Holys manuscriptes . and the just Doctrine of Christ .  in ours times present .

today my Consciencie s is different to This Seriuos Societys.  that in his origings . part of Seriuos

types . of Anti Christian Theachings . Not justamend Biblicals . if not far s of the healthy doctrine to Christ . ocults in others oustantings points . Not Christians by example the scienciology and his Types

of Theorys Never Christian . in my personal Consciencie   this Not part of the origing christain . in defence to the reguister of the Bible Intro of theys the today Society Whathower Bible and track .  only in the vision of his types of theachings Not Biblicals .

Similliars to the Scientology . and the others types of Groups not quite Christian s .

in his perspectives and Mission Global.

because it its Necessary  Everything hideen  that these  individual ask  in his   individual s consciencies  and the destroy of others familys in America and Europe..

in one possition Sectarian and Extreme . of causes in paralleles  by the others familys . that Suffer..

by desolation in others Nation and i despise  these really phallic people . wollves in his  constume of Sheep

Not Understan to those  Men . that love to one heretic Organization that the Really Lord Jesus in his hearts. and lifes.


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