My Kowengled of Sect and Secret Organization

in the History of North America . Exist seriuos Related and others points of the  ¿Why  Study to Thoses  Types of Mission .

and his Possition Ocult. of the really doctrine to christ . today by longs years . in Ibero America. and the Causes that Those Present in the actual Century.

by longs years . my person Study his Causes . and the seriuos perspective in the World actual .
 in my inocent life . to that view  in his extern today possition . of the really Churth Christian lost in the time . and his true historicity . of the firts times in the formal apostacy and Contracdicction . of the human s . possition to ours   consciencies. in defence to the Bible and his healthy valor  of the Darks Mixte societys in New york and others types of places . very  Exactly  in formal testimony.

the society Whactower was in his Structure . united to the Logia s Mixtes  Between  freemasonerys . in the Heretic charlez taze Russell.  that  in his utillity  oustanting points . of ideas Darks . Not Christian in the Manuscriptes . in his expossition biblicals in the past and  the Confution of the consciencie from SoMust people s  today a Nation here ilove and really in love and faith america 


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