On Answer of Valor and faith in the Understhand the Day Sabbath.

José y María llevan a su familia a la sinagoga en sábadoThe Nexts Answer of the  ¿  Why   isreal inmemorial  Time s     Theys view s   the Conmemorative Day of Sabbath . and in when to the Great Different to  other s types of Comandament s.

in Who are in these Day his Allteration s that  Differencialmind to the Order Conmemorative of ours Lord Jesus Christ.

in the  Biblicals Perspective s.   to the Reguister Not only in the Scriptures Greek Christian in the translation of the Sextuaginte . if not in the Medie . of the Undesthand  in the vision of the Valor to the Bible. in correct and exacthly vision to the Conmandaments . in the remenbering in the example of the times . those incluiyings the  Sabbath  in the translation of the Canon hebrew and greek koine in the Nexts Word Sesation .

this is on Comandament not Alteratives. of the Mission of the Order of the Manuscriptes.

and Never is Exposed event aad  by the Original Holys Manuscriptes in the Texts . of the isreal and the Mission of the Bible in Healthy Concordancies Divine. in times of lord jesus the pharicies . theys occupy on  Alllterated formal . possition . in Charge s that Not  Exist .

In This Day Conmemorative . the testimony part of the just Secullar Studys in joshepus .flaviuos  in the conmunity jew s of the I Century.   Exist others oustanting points . in the vision . of those Men . in his Isolated Contexts Not inspirated . in his false and dogmatic theology . fars of the order from lord God Yhaveh. in the called Tradition of the men. and not of the lord jesus Christ.

Note Antropology  and   Christians   Sources .in the healthy conciencies of the Manuscriptes . the Sabbath . is eternal .  Naver is Abolishe  All the Bible Spoken  of these just theme in Dereterminated Conciencies and order Divine..


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