Outstandings Study and News Weeks .Semisud and Jhon Knox. the Perspective Theologal and cultural . in 1977 in Respective possition in The Sir Robert powell. Not is Christ

Resultado de imagen para robert powell 2019Today  Billon s of   person in the World Actual.  Exposes  the Image  of the playwhrigth   And Actor and Sir Robert Powell.believing  that  is it from  of lord jesus christ  in fair Respect  to the Actor .

in an illustred Interview by the BBC of london .  the Eminent Actor  he  Said of   following

I am Not jesus    I am  Illustruriuos Actor  and Comedian  who Worrie s   Me that many  people  use my image  for what my performace was   in jesus of  Nazharet  from  Sefirelli .in   1976-1977  

In these Humble reflextion  in educative Awarances s  today . 

Resultado de imagen para robert powell documental historythe Major Biblicals Model is Christ .  and Not is based to Men  in his Activity Cultural . only  on Representaion and IF Not in his original Sourcess.  in just respect to the Sir Robert Powell . in his Humble perspective of Actor . to this Nexts Generation s.  in   the   present   Century XXI.

today The Sir Robert Powell is on the Major Documentalist  of the Biblical s Historicity .in the Actual Chanel History International . ours congreaturetion by his   Illustred person

and in the  Memory of the Director italian-  American  franco Seffirelli and Vicenzo labella. in his Memory. today

When These  Important  Films  Beginings  in 1976 -and the final of the year from 1977  in the Geo poblation of the Marruecos .  in Similliars  Scenes based in the first Century in times of the Period Romen ,  The Illustred  Director Sefirelli Exposed on paper intteressanting to the vision of Biblicals odservation and Study to  the  RAI  italian Radio televisione .  in times of the Preperiod of  jhon paulines the Magnus.  in his  Advenimient and  his Elecction  papal. to 1979 

pope Karol Wittila  in the  papal History  in his firts  other Name  Jhon Paulines Magnus


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