Study And Mission II Part Pseudo Organization in Perspective. Apologetics, Camp

Scientology symbol.svgby longs Generation . in All the Globe . one of the Nexts Studys . in ours perspectives . and Defence to the Manuscriptes . is the why Million s of today peoples believe s  to the Scientology and his Simillarys points . Not Based in Christ.

and in His Fundador and Sir Ronald  H  Who was on Soldier in the Second World War nd Constituinted on American Hero.  by  the order of Whashigton D C 

in on  unusual  Doctrine Never Christian.s by the Conciencies of So Must    It is Impressive  how Men  forget  litlee    as yuor true Guide  and has Many  

Similliar theaching s  to hubbart Ronald.  Far s of  the True Fundador of the  firts  Christians  the lord jesus christ

When it was.a librarian  in Campo de la Cruz. in the Surth of the  Atlantico Region I Had s   These Text s .  in my own  hands  and in the Reallity  They Are Not found  Never to just Reason to the Manuscriptes Biblicals.
Resultado de imagen para ron hubbard cienciologia

the Reason of the ¿Why Exist one Similliar Postured between the Today Society  Whacthower . in the line of one Theory Not Christian in  the Sir Ronald H .

in The Similliar Asociation . Not Biblical s . is very Seriuos Those Totalmind. and  to grave ounstanting point Not Based in ours  lord Jesus Christ    if  not   in the  Anti-Christian. Heretical s   line  and Thesis   today

Those by the healthy Doctrine in ours Lord jesus is very Grave and Confused. to the Mores Inocent. person . in all the World.

Inocent and just person in the Great Fraud .

To ours Healthy and  Biblicals  Purpose from Consciencie to Christ and Never to the Men . in his Heresy.

Note   in the texts of Sir Romald H  he Adverticed that the force . in Activity   is part of God s.  and Exposed others types Next . that if Not Not Based in the Order of the Canon . respect to Texts of the Genesis .

in the Event  in Eden Garden.  on type of Heresy Stranger .  fars of the really Order in the Plurallity and Divinity of the Lord God Yhaveh.

one history darks Never Related in the Original Texts . and Expuries .

in the Origings of the times .  I Remenber when   i Read i saw  that it was. Not written  in the original Never those was on texts Expuries .  Fars of theOrder of the Holy Manuscriptes

the Texts sugeria that  Eva  has Relation  Whith Snake  When  Original Texts Say  in  its original verses  opossite.  in the  Sacred line

The Manuscripte  Hubbar Not is Inspirted by ours lord God if Not by Others Sourcess in Opossition Anti-christian in my personal Study   in this Esoteric  and far s .  of the Divine. Really from ours lord jesus christ by longs Generation to  ours Today Century XXI

in my  love to North America


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