Study Spetial Day the Secret Society in Opossition and Mission to the Bible and the deformation of the Biblicals Manuscriptes Semisud and Jhon knox

In the Beginings of the I and II Great wars of the World . the Order of the Bible is Questionated by the Greater Intellectual and   Materialistic  Parent s  Atheistic

in his contracddiction . Humans to his Sourcess . and Those in My Consciencies in pugned Christians   in the Inmemoral  to the Illustred  Discurse from the Sir President jhon  F kennedy 
in his Nexts Words . there is   and order of companies  in Secret Mission and Order and Opossition . to Sourcess  true in the reason of the times.

These Secret Societys Explorer things . in his comission of Deformation of the true Origing of the Christian . in ours Explainings . and just Consciencie to ours defence to Christ ours lord and  Saviuor

Resultado de imagen para kennedy presidenteIn the period of the Wars Exist Critic  and Person Individuallymind  Atheists  to the Mission and Exploration of the Manuscriptes .

Those is on Seriuo and just Charater in his order . and Mission . in the Expledor of the Exploration  Continued in  II Greater Studys . the 1 Archeology and the 2 Explorative in the Suorcess original of the Phaleo AntroManuscripte  in his Divine Expossition Correct  .

the Pseudo Societys   Not know the love of the Lord God to the Humans  Poblation . today . and his lidher s in Great Falsification  of ideas Not inspirated s   in the Consciencie of the Order in ours lord God

in the II Great Wars of the World and Same formulation that in the first    the Theologues . in his points Materialistics Expose that Not  if  Inspirated Order  Biblicals and theys that is  Only on Mithology .

Imagenand when  those is very Seriuo.
in his isolated Theach Not Christian s

in the Discurse in Remenbering . of the Sir President Kennedy was the Discurse of his death  in his Memory to Search of the really in Christ ours lord and Saviuor.

God remenbering to Sir President kennedy in just love and Mercy.. and  to All his Familly today


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