The Historicity and the Apologetics in based to the firts Sourcces Christian in the Example of love and faith.Semisud and Jhon Knox.

Los apóstoles hablan ante el SanedrínIn ours  Study in these  Conmemorative Day ,the I Century  is the Study Mores   Important inthe  Christian Suorcess of the  firts   christian .familys 
 and on paper  in Excellt   possition.

to the  Scriptures .  and the valor to She .
  in  when to  Examiner.  the  Manuscripte s  in ours love to Christ .

In my nexts Study to North America and Europe  and of  other s Nation in the  Biblical s  Perspectives. to the Holys Sources Original  of the  Gospel to   ours lord    and Saviuor Jesus Christ.

one of This  Firts Suorces. in the  Manuscriptes. and his Study   not only is Eminent historian  jhoshepus if not others Sourcess. in perspective in the Original  factor of the  firts Churth  and  Congreagation in Examinings the Biblicals vocation Reallymind 

to  Christ

that is ours lord  and  Saviuor .in All the Healthy Concordancie s .to the just Doctrine Christian .and his Act and the Seriuos heresy that Exist  in  ours  present.  time s

when ours love and perspectives is Different  to these Great Mission of Study in Correct Postured to the Bible.   thanks to Semisud  and to  jhon knox..Universitary Studys. 


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