The Activity of the Phaleo- Antropology in isreal and Important Pergamines . I Century and Study Semisud and Jhon Knox

Is Important the   Nexts valor   of the  Manuscriptes   New Textamentary . in  his   Firts . Sourcess .  in the Awake  of the final   of the  II  Wars of the World   and   ¡ Why in the Intteresanting is in  These  Theme of his Pergamine s .

in the  Conservation in isreal.   is those on Important Homework in the past of  1947  -   in the  Perspective of the Exactly Manuscriptes Hebrew Aramaic s  in   Examiner s of the his  Originals Vision to the List of the Holy   Reguister  Divine   today

the Major part of the  Manuscriptes   is Same  in his   Descriptives page s  and translation . in ours Day s  and his Repherent.  in the Major Sourcess   of the  page s     in the translation . Correct  and Not Deformated in his Contexts.

and  Historicity . in the  time and  his    history   in Seriuos Level s  from Researchvs .  in Really Suorcess .  to ours  today Christian Mission .  and  Seriuos   Defence to the  Holy  Canon

in the Conservation to Those Important Study  Not only by Expert and Eminent Erudited s  if Not for Simple and Humbles Person.  in All the  Face  from Earth  in ours just proposed of Study in Theologal Mission  to isreal . and in Spetial to Christ.ours lord   and  Saviuor


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