The Study and the Manuscriptes Babel and Asyrian News Weeks. IV Overtured Semisud and Jhon Knox.

Resultado de imagen para el obelisco negro asirioin the Study of the Manuscriptes and his Origings . Reallys . in the Illustred Contexts of the Scriptures . and the  ¿ Why  of the Investtigation of the  Inmemorial  Dr   in Archeology . in his Days

between   the Dicipline of the Biblical s  parage s   of the  Acient City s  from  Asyrian and  Babel

the Dr Henry Lawyerd . was on the Mores Important Studen s   in his  Inmemorial  Mission and  Theses   in the  Nexts Land in the Order of the Exploration of the Queen Victoria of England .

in the Postured of the Conextion of the  Biblical s Manuscriptes  Sacred . 
 and the Profile s

Betweem  this land . in the  Holys    Manuscriptes .
Exist on Answer to thoses types of Relief s  to  the Order  Biblicals Between the   king s Acient of Asyrian .

in the Beginings of the Genesis .  Exist proyect of Hibridations .  Similliars . to the Today  in the postured Scientific . asiryan in Same Aspect  to  Babel .city

in the other s Face of the Manuscriptes . in the {Berichith ..}  Book   Was  Kown  on Transcendental s  Study  that Thoses Peoples . livings in the Great Odservation of other s  Types  God in

Desobediencies .  and Not is Stranger that  his  Knowleged    Pre-post  Diluvian . in the Firts Days of his Fundation by Order of Nimrod.  on Kings in Opossition to Really God between  the  God s    in  Apostacy.

in the Asyrian  Culture Asalamanzar III  is known by the order of the Manuscriptes . between  ones of Kings in his Auto Priden . and violencie s . and on King that Desafied  the Order Divine in the Bible. and Holy People of isreal.In the Days of the Just King Sedequiah .

Note Exist other s things that the Holys Reguister Not  make Menthion   of these Black  Obelisc

is very just that Existing others Reguister of things in the line of the kings of isreal and    Asyrian.
Not Known  by the Archeologues and Theologue s in  ours  Days.Century XXI  in Exploration

Not Conment by the Bible  in the translation. in   ours  Present. Days


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