Study and Mission News Weeks The Events of the Bible in OursTimes Semisud and Jhon Knox. Universitary Mission New England and Ibero America.

These Order is part of theThat in Greek is Views in the Manuscriptes.Called
in Answer to These Major Part of the Greaters Acts in the Line

of ours lord Jesus Christ . Respect to the Prophety . in the Order of the Humanity in thefactor today in Billons of Humans Beings .in This Affectation . by These types Biologycal .Phatology of Virus . in the firts Events in the Searchs in These Time in Greater Crisis .
in the Investtigation of the Prophetys . in his Important Study is Very Important see Those Events . that Changes in theTimes of the Human Society . in the Sources Exactly of the Biblical Vision of theTimes. and Today in the Reguister of the Manuscriptes. in Exactly and the healthy Theachings in the Line of lord Jesus Christ.
in the Firts Days of theLord Jesus . in the year 29 E,C in times of the Spring in Garden Geshemani and others passages in the pleace of the olives and the Rigtheuos Disciples was on from Seriuos Preocupation in the Future of theTimes in Who Are The Lord Jesus Adverticed
the Greater Changes of ThoseTypes of Phatologys . Today the 1 in his History 1918 Was. the Famous Sphanisth flu respiratory
today the Crown virus . Type Cares Covid 19
in All Those Times. The Greater Enemy . Clinical . Changes in his Times by the just and inspirated Prophety is Same . in Eternal Mission . of Times in the Order of ours Lord and Redentor Jesus Christ.
in Adverticed Those Greater Affectation. by Not is the End of ours Humanity if Not Exist on Seriuos Hope in search the Eternal Really in ours lord Jesus Christ.
ours Hope is Christ Forever and ours Promesy is his Really Eternal Authority in just Consciencies from love and Continued Dicipline and Pugned to the Mores Humbles in valor North America I love Future New England in ours love and Hope to All today in Christ
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