The Hope of the Bible World alien to the Secret Societys in Pseudo Christian Direction to Anti-Christ News Week s

Una piedra que sale de una montaña golpea los pies de una enorme estatua de metal.In the Study to the Manuscriptes and the Bible  Exist one Hope of the Today Secret Society Anonimus .

This . Societys .  in his Model . Not part of Ours Lord Jesus Christ. if Not of the Exploration Secret and Pseudo Christian of the Event Not Biblical s . in his Expossition .  United to Falses Posture s . Anti Christian and the great Confution to Billions of person Inocent .  and his Constume . of Wolves  in Raptor Activity of ideas Falses.

in ours days . Those Wolves . Not Christians .  in his injustice . and  Evil..

She s Ocult the really Reason  of the christian vision of the life and Love  the Confution. and destroy from Millions of familys in the face of the Earth.

All the Nexts Nation Created point . of the Firts types in the Confution Asociated to the  Secret Societys in Profil Christian  and Typologys of Theachings  Not Christian Heretic . in This Time . and in the Firts times of the Fundation of city Babylon .  in the Firts part of the Statue of the Nabuchadonerzer in the dream King  and the Revelation of young and just Prophet Daniel in this  Societys . today that Progress to Types Secret of Doctrines . Incover. in ours times

in Anonimatus .  and one Vision Far s to christ totalmind . and  his Autho chratic Apostacy. and confution. today

Resultado de imagen para abuso infantil watchtowerand the cahnge of the justice to Really true Christian in ours times in one Consciencies . united to the tradition of the Men. in Evil power and transgretion.

in Abused of the Childrens and   fiscal Paradise   and others Thing s  verys Seriuos  Never view in those in my Personal life Inocent. and today My Sincere Consciencie s  by Most Ex Jehovah Whistness  and his familys .in North America Colombia Chile Russia  and Irland of the North Canada. and others person s in Seriuos testimonys..  Deny by this false Society Today Anonimus. and Secret.Not Christian . 


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