The Power of the False to ours times and his lier.s Prophetic s. Study and files.

Is Just and is Necessary Known  others Points . in Contac of the Vision from the Today falses Prophets . and Societys Expurie s Fars to the Scriptures and to ours lord Jesus Christ.

in ours Christian perspective and Consciencies . and the ¡Why Writting This Things . and ours preocupation . by these  System of things in  Falses Option . they  Lie  to the Humanity . and  to ours Familys . of today

outside of those one  Inspirated Manipulation Not from part of ours Lord and God Yhaveh if Not of the Men in Great Apostacy and tradition . of Falses Types variant of theachings Not Based in ours lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ.

is Necessary Examinings   in the Nexts Others Dates  that Explorer These System Not is the False Prophet  the just Nation of North America  America.   and his Governament . in the Illustred  respect to Millions of Citizen  and Not of  the People from  Russian  and the Illustred Sir President Vladimir Putin .  Exist others Evidency in the History . by Order of Classification . Pseudo Doctrinary . alien to the Canon . and the  Why is Directamind   and if  is Necessary Identificed  to Those Types of Prophets today .

Charlez  T Russell . in his Longs Days Affirmated  one Desctrucction that Never Passing  in the times. his Autho Prophecy  if  False . Franklind J Ruderford . and others . in his Autho Analitys  Exposed Acts Not Biblicals . in his time . in the years from 1929 these living  in Great Rick s in transgretion s. alien to ours lord God Yhaveh
Resultado de imagen para pramide en la tumba de russelland  The Sir Russell Not Study Never  Events  Biblical s  in Theology   in his Affirmative Mission falses.and today Change of his Publichers News and Olds
his levels was the Egyptology   and free Masonery Never Christians

the Sir Russell died living Not Christian if  Not  on  Free Mason in the Order of  logies  from  Phisburth Pensilvany   today in his  Archives
In the States from New England in ours Days present City New York

and the Deformation of the Manuscriptes  and the  Expuries  Theachings    Not Christain . in ours today Consciencies. the System of Rome is Mixte betweem those Types of Prophets New babylon.  today jhoseph Smit and Others Similliars .  David Wako texas and others in Sectarian Formulation Not christian  in the Order of the Pseudo prophets Not Christians .  and the Sir Jones  JHS  in the longs times from 1978   


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