Universitary Mission Thanks to semisud andjhon Knox Ibero America And New England EUA

Resultado de imagen de semisud quitoThe Universitary Mission is ours Model  to Christ  in the Experiencies and Mission in Pastoral Theology Universitary and Educational . today in ours Midlee  

Resultado de imagen de semisud quitoIn Spetial to All   The Humanity and the Expert Sourcess  in the Education  to the Other Vision of the Christian   Semisud  ours  Brother of  Ecuador and Jhon Knox  in Barranquilla  in

the Reformate  Mission of the Theology  and Sourcess Educational .  Today  and New England ours Major Thanks  in Spetial to United States of America and his beuty People

ours Great Friend and  Dr David Clark  and  family  and the Dr Yesentry Bonilla.on Homenage to All today  in Spetial to the today Christian Education internationals  in Biblicals  Examinings to the manuscriptes   God Bless to Semisud Ecuador and Barranquilla .  in the Jhon Knox.  and ours Great Friend and Spiritual Parent  and Senator of Colombia Edgar Mizraith  and All Acient isreal and the Team  of Theology the Dr  Yehudy Salazar Avedaño  and the Dr  pablo Mendoza Juliuos . and the   Dr  in Apologetic Carlos Garviras and Wife.  to theys ours thanks and Edgar David Son  in  just blessings
Sinceres ..to God  in ours lord Jesus Christ..


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