The Healthy Theachings in Direction to Christ. And Not to False Pseudo Theology Not Christians Today

The Really and Biblicals Theaching. Part of ours lord Jesus Christ. In all the Scriptures and the valors to She in his Examinings in All the Times

Semisud and Jhon knox Miacpic

The Great Populations between the Today Comunitys Christians

Exist Seriuos Ounstatings points Not Christian that Affect to on Great Major.

Comunitys in the Great Confution fars to Christ ours Saviuor

In the Aspect of the Mixtes Theologys Anti Christians

In the Reflextions of ours present Times.

And Falses Drs in the Manipulations of those Types. From theachings today in ours Medie and. To Christ.

The faithfull and Adsoluted Really of the Scriptures is ours Saviuor and lord Jesus. Of the Falses prophets Not Christians

And the Seriuo that those Exposed in ours longs Days.

Is the Bible in Direct reason in Study and Archeology Divine in ours time

And on. Christians consciencies

To the Manuscriptes and his Hermeneutics fars of the Autochratic Reason of the Men in the Error and the Heresy



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