My Consciencie to the Just Valors from the Biblcals Mission Originals to Christ ours Lord Jesus

 The valors of the Archeology and the Biblicals Divine Vision is for My on the Mores Important Passing the ours Defence to healthy Doctrine from the Heresy Not Christians   

is the major Sourcess  and the Seriuos Events in the Texts and the Manuscriptes .

in Direction of the Order to Christ  my Lord and Saviuor 

The healthy Doctrine is the major   Christians  Study  to the Mission from the Scriptures . and the healthy valor to the Bible and theirs   Divine Order 

is Christ the faithfuls Promesy of All the Times . and the Valors from the just and really Christians  Consciencie  to the hope and the Biblicals activity Christians in theirs Holy Conssagration. today .

Note Study and Canon the manuscriptes Mores Acients , in Direction to Christ . and the major Theme 

in Exploration in the healthy  Christians  Activity   and is 

the Order from the Divinity . in his Scatology  and Biblicals Repherencies to the Biblicals oreder Today in direction to Christ ours lord and Redentor. 


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