My Continued Pugned from the vision from the Others Answer to the Bible Christ

 My consciencies is the major Continued Vision the Homework of the Biblicals Revision  and the vertions in the Manuscriptes and the inspirated Expossition Divine to Christ  is the reason of ours Pugne 

in  the continued Answer and Awake today 

the fear to Mens in the Major Heretics Expossition is the valors of my valient fortalecy  to my defence to christ my Savior and lord  today that Men in ocult power  false . 

the valor of the Manuscriptes Explorer Major Causes today in the Theirs lengauge and Expossition  of the mind  of the Hate  and the Discrimination .  and Xenophobie  Fear to men Not christians today 

and his Seriuos Heresy Anti Biblicals. 

in Theirs menthions to the Manuscriptes ..


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