My Humble Vocation Christian and Continued Researchvs in valient postured to the Bible.Today

 My personal vocation is on continued odservation in the Bible and the Inspirated manuscriptes . in valient postured  . and is the Factor from the defence to the healthy Doctrine in ours lord Jesus Christ. 

is my Humble possition to the today Consciencie  Christian  in the True Faith of the Firts Parents 

in the justice and the Defence  of the false order Not Christians   in ours Days present is for my on Great and  Continued Pugned 

to Christ that to the men in Heresy  and Deep   Christians  Error  in falses thesis . and  the Confution .  to others . 

In the Insignithy perspective to the just faith in ours lord and Savior in All the Eges  of the today possition Not Christian in the false order of the times . in She. 

Is Christ the humble Resaon of the really  originalllymind Christian  that the false point of the men in the false power Heretic  today in thoses times .  

ours postured is continued to the Bible and ours consciencie of the fiath in the firts eges of the Original Christian possition today.


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