The Biblical s Defence In the Study from the Scriptures Greek Christians in the Concordancies and Historicity.

In the Christian Consciencies and  the vocation to Christ in the  Bible is the major Sourcess of Valors in the Defences of the Holys Manuscriptes  Greeks and the Reason of the Historicity in the healthy and really Doctrine to christ .

by longs Generation . in ours Today present times . 

 on the Major Examples is the texts of the Acients Vertion  of the texts in Greek  lenguage in his originals expossition . to the Study and Investtigation . from the order of the  Classic . Koine  

the Scriptures Explorer the Model of the just parents of the Churth  in theirs orede  and Apologetic s .  and the Divine Concordancies  of all the Times in respective Possition and direction to christ ours lord . and saviuor.

In the Translation from Saint Jeronimus Dalmatian from Alexndrie  in times in when are the Contexts Classic of the koine was on the major Suorcess in the Order from the Manuscriptes Holy. to christ ours lord and Saviuor . 

In longs III Illustratived s  Nexts Period from investtigation  from the Manuscriptes in the Koine Classic Greek.

the Biblia Vulgaris latin . is on the exampler Vertion in the researchvs  Continue to Christ . and the major Example  from study to the translation of the Besfore   Manuscripte Greek  from the koine classic in theirs  Expossition and theme.


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