The Order of the Greek Manuscriptes and the valors from Hope and Continued Researchvs today

 The  originals  Greek   from the Study and Concondancies  in the Koine Nevers changes in  his Study and valors  in the Origings in the  Holy Manuscriptes .

to the Sextuagintes that  is the Faithfuls  Contexts by longs Centurys to the Biblicals Theologals . Vocation . in the valors to Christ 

in the Researchvs . and Canon to the Faithfuls valors in the Example to the Bible  in direction to ours lord and Savior jesus Christ  

in the Divine really and the Areas . of the his Words in the  Classic koine in the Acient vertion . of the Holy Manuscriptes 

and his healthy defence to Christ  ours redentor and Holy  Lord 


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