Canon and the History Overtured I Century E C

 The Nexts Exploration of the ours Study is the really Canon  and theirs Defence  to the valors and the Expossition . and really 

today in ours just and Holy Direction to ours lord Jesus Christ 

in the Mores just   Christian s  possition . from All the Times . in his respective vocation and perspective  in the healthy Theachings  and  Biblicals  Theology   in the valors christian of fiath and justice 

Christ is ours Major Hope and Vocation  in the faithfuls Historicity from the Canon  in the faith of  the I Comunitys  in the faithfulls justice and Doctrine in his historicity 

and the Continued Experietial Testimony from the Holy Gospel in ours lord jesus christ  to these News Generation in the Century XXI  in Consciencies 


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