I Century the valors Christian to the Really faith in ours lord Jesus Christ Study MIAPIC and Jhon Knox and SEMISUD FLERENC

 The Defence to Christ is important in the Examinings from the Scriptures  is the Major paper in All the Canon .  and the firts  Themes to the Important Enlace from the Christian Study . 

and the Apologetic From the Holys Reguister and the valor from the Scriptures  today 

 Christ is ours Major Legady  and Model in the Studys  from the Holys Scriptures  

and the Paralleles from justice today  to the Falses ounstatings points . from the Anti Christian thesis Not Based in the word and the Biblicals  Expossition   today in ours Defence to the Greek Manuscriptes Koine in the Study Continued from the Canon and the Inspiration to  the Holy Spirit. 

from the today false Spirit . fars from the Christian Mission and Apology 

to the Sacred Biblicals Reguisters in the  inspiration and Divine and his Order  

the koine Lenguage  Never  Change to the  Original s   Odservation  in the Study from the Word and the Sourcess  reallymind Christian  in theirs Origings . and manuscriptes  in longs III Greats Period from Study in Revition  to ours Doors. 

Note in the I Century the faith from the firts Christian in direction to Christ is today same in direction to ours present Century XXI the Scriptures Not Change  and his laws in direction to christ is Same  in ours times 

and the past Inmemorial . in the Biblicals Rulers  to ours present Time. in the Defence to the Studys and theirs order  to Christ ours lord . 


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