Archeology and Testimony today Semisud and Jhon Knox MiAPIC

 The Major Testimony is the Present Archeology in the the Biblicals Sourcess  and the valor 

to the Humble Vocation . in ours know  from the These  Events . in the Sacred Manuscriptes  

in  the valor and hope from ours  Today 

The Archeology  in isreal is other  vision in ours valor to the Manusriptes  and the Bible in continued Search and Vision Important,


in times Besfored of the Holy Ministery from ours lord jesus Exist  types from others peoples in views to Here Share . in when to the Seriuos Aspect  in the Acient peoples philestines 

of the North west by Example the this   Small Sculture Call Astharteh in others  Differencies in Simillair Expossition Astharaoh on Famele figure in great Idolatry . in those Present Pre Inmemorial peoples  Not in the acient Adoration to Yaweh in times from isreal.  

Educational Note  in thesepoints from Seriuos investtigation . the Scriptures Explorer the Proscription of others Gods in theirs Great Apostacy  in the Limited of the peoples to isreal. 

that the Bible is ours Major Hope in ours lord and Savior Jesus Christ. today.


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