Ibero America Barranquilla City International Theology and Explorations MIAPIC JHON KNOX and SEMISUD FLERENC

 The Mores Great valor is the City from Barranquilla in the North Litoral  of the Atlantic Ocean  in Ibero America . today 

and ours just Investtigation in the Just Consciencies of valor in Continued the Model healthy from the Manuscriptes . and the Ours Humble Mission and vision in Pastoral  Christians Theology 

in the Major  odservation in the Biblicals Diciplineand Order. 

the Investtigation is on the major Homework in the Educative former in theology and Biblicals Examinings of the Sourcess  originalmind Christian in the factor Apologetics 

and the defence  of the Continued Biblicals investtigation  today  

 in the fields from Manuscriptes and  pastoral Theology in ours Medie. and vocation. in the odservatory points in dicipline and Manuscriptes . in Study. and valors.


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