II Part Studies Bible and Archeology Overture MIAPIC Semisud and JHON KNOX Mathew 24 Chapter V- 27 39

 The Testimony of the Scriptures Explorer  to Christ  ours Lord and Saviuor .  

the Major ounstatings . vision from the Scene in 

the Old Textament  in  the Direction of the Testimony in the Ark  of Noa. in the Great flood  in the All face from the Earth. 

in these Important points and vision to the Manuscriptes  in the Consciencies to the Bible. and the Acts . 


is christ  ours lord that Adverticed of the testimony of the {Berichith } . in the contexts of the Manuscriptes .  and theirs times  primarys of the Genesis . in the firts enlace and formers.  in his healthy and Divine Doctrine . to the valors from the Bible. today

 Note these is the Zone Explorative NASA from the Mountain  in the Elevation  here the Scriptures 

Explainings . these Inmemorial Testimony. 
and Mores ours lord jesus in his Word. 

Note in the Acient Torah  in the direction of the Phentetucus in the I Book to Moses. 


and Exposed the true from the Scriptures today in the Major Studies from the Holys Reguisters. from the Bible.in ours hands. and ours eyes. and in the Contexts Secullars.of the Exploration from the History Divine  by Illustruriuos Scientific    


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