Study Canon And Scriptures MIAPIC Jhon KNOX and SEMISUD FLERENC

 The Doctrine to Christ and the Healthy Theachings  that part of the Researchvs  and the Study to the Canon is on the Major Ounstantings points in Theology and the international Christians  Investtigation . 

in the Holys Reguister from the Biblicals Study in ours Consciencies . fars of the False today PseudoTheachings Not Christians in ours Medie and Words  in Continue Researchvs  in the Christ that is ours Major Defence  to the Sacred Manuscriptes  in Conextion and Explorer.  in ours Days present 

the odservatory CANON in theirs Discovery in the city and capital  Jerusalem is others Major introducctory from  Studies to the Divine former in ours lord jesus .  by these part . in the direction to the christian Mission and Apologetics in the Healthy Studie from the Scriptures from the falses Points Not Christian in Sectarian postured. today 

The Geo Manuscriptes  Discovery by the police from isreal is on the Important Sourcess of continued informer Hebrew Christians in ours medie and Studie 

in the Defence to the order healthy and Christian Doctrine from the today   humans Doxology 

Not in the Heretic s  direction of the Men to Deformer from  the Manuscriptes  that is part of ours lord jesus if not the Major discovery in longs 73 years.  in times of the past in theyears laters of  II Wars of the World  

in the Scroll holys of kumrain  to North West of isreal and palestinian. today in on longs Studie and Trayectory Concordancies to the Holys Reguisters 


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