The Biblicals Researchvs in theirs Contexts to Christ and the Consciencies of the Really to the Canon. Studie III Part MIAPIC Defence SEMISUD FLERENCE and JHON KNOX

 The Character of the Studie in the Biblicals Order and justie to ours Defence to Christ today is the Authorithy of the New Textament in the Greek Koine 


is the These on the Events in Direction to Christ .  that is the Authorithy Mores Important   of others thesis in today Heresy from the Men . and Confution today   

 the Revision of the Texts in the Manuscriptes  Explorer to others Concordancies  in the Origings  of the Scriptures  in his  Christians   and Really perspectives   

in the Bible  and All the Scriptures  in the just and   Healhty  Doctrine  in his Line  to the firts Parent from the Christian Mission. in the I Century in ours homework. 

Note Historicity in times of Agustus Cesear  isreal living on the Mores Great Comflict . 

Augustus was Inttelligent  and knew  others Things  in Thoses Days . by  his Imperial Possition   was on respect to others . in isreal and palestine .   must in his times . livings the Pax  Romen .   in the Small Provincies and Districs. 

 in Romen in his Longs Days  very Yuongs .  Enjoy of others things .  by was very perspectives . and Nevers Acept on fraud . and traition in   remenberings  of the that  in his testimony   to Marco antoninus  in the Conquisters to Egypt  A D E   

when was  on Emperator .  in His Assignature   he  opted by on Ellecction  and Was   his Faithful Friend Herodez Magnus . on Idumean   Not in Convertion to the texts Hebrew. 

the valor to his  Hope  in on Meshias   in the Faith to isreal . 

 christ ours lord  in his present humble valor  to the vision  from  love in the firts Days 


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