My Major Hope is Christ Study and Defence MIAPIC Apologetics Mission Jhon KNOX SEMISUD FLERENC

 The justice and the True  in ours Savior is on the Hope Mores Important that others Things 

the Scriptures s ours Hope  ¿ why  in she live  ours Savior . 

 in justice and the healthy Consciencies and Christian Theachings in the Hearts  of others  to ours defence  and the faith  and  the others things just in Spiritual Mission 

Defence Spiritual of others person that in justice love the Scriptures  in the Mores great honors of the Hope. 

that is chirst ours Savior in times of the just Apostle paul  in his vision was. in direction to just hope Eternal . in ours Consciencie to healthy vision today in ours lord jesus . and the Manuscriptes 

in his Study Continued. today 

 in times  Not only of the Century I S Most love the Great Hope  in the Just valor to Christ, 

in the Scripture Descripved that is  christ the really Hope for the Salvation of the Men in justice and Not the ideas fars of the Men  in the Error  the Holys Scriptures  help the valor in the Hope 

in the on  Spiritual Wars   ours protecction is christ in the models of the things News. 


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