The Great Apostates Change Intro of The Centurys II -III IV. Philoshofies Greek and Latin s
Affther of the Death of just Men inspirated in the Mentions. the just Dicipules and Fiedl Members in Great part of Empires the Rulers original Suffers on Great and profund Changes. in 2 Great point the firts Doctrinal and 2 on type of variant know of the odl Philosofies Greek and latin in the Eminents albors of Century II-III D.E.C in perspectives the Benings of the prototipes Sacrus and profanus in 2 fountain Major the ideal Greek Aristotelicals . and the Act . of others lineal Writters in the types of Belierfvs. and thesis .
is the Great Changes Apostates in the lenguage Koine Greek Apostemai Changes and Alterations in point diferents to the firts Phater Christians. of the firts Century I the theachings Sthangers Benings . in the transfonds of the firts on type of pagans Ideologys . in the Great Churth of Romen . in the news and past Centurys II-III-IV in acept the ideology Arsittotelicals the Wordl Christians. changes the models . in transformations and the vertion of mitus Greek in the Death and the Art Iconoplastics.
in the Repherentials of Mistycals theachings of the Wordl pagans. and the infiltrations of ideas falses. in ours Longs Days .Actuallitys ¿ Why well in when to model not inspirated of the Scriptures the Wordl . pagans is introduccings to the Wordl Sacrus.
the types of theachings . continues in the part Schollaristics . of ideas Binarys not inspirateds for the Scriptures in the Nexts list 1 the ideologys Aghosticals . is the firts introductorys Not Biblicals on Example Arrio di Alexandrie other Major point is Sabelio . on contradictorys theaching not exposed biblisticals . in the yuor Reason . its in when to the Great Days of Constantinus Magnus. and part of others Pope Emperator justinianus Magnus. the Great Apostacies is on theEvents . in call the just Attentions. in the Centurys is the Great Changes of the Centurys in only 2 faces. 1the Retro activity of the Priest who are know the Scriptures in the part Monasticals. in perfect formations and hermeneuticals.
other changes Gradual is in the part of Century II-finals to firts Events of Century III is the truth Days holy for the pagan Days Sunday . Dominus .Solaris . in only on change Gradual in votation unanimes and is the call Day Great of the Resurrections. in ours lenguages the Great Days of the Sun in the Generation beyonds its Day Astro phisys is call the Great Day of Sotang . Sunday Domingo . and the Dominus Solaris. to ours Actuallitys Conmon Days in ours Century XXI.
Note the influencings of the literatures Greek in the pages introductorians of the Schollastics Studies. Monastical . in times of Guiordanus Brunos only the Great preladys . Reading the inmemorial thesis and philosofies of Aristoteles . Equal in when to times of Dr thomas di Aquinus and Agustin di hipona in the Century III theys Reading and Study the texts of the 2 Great philosofhies in Aristoteles and Platon.
the Great and Eminents Churth of the Romen Explian the thesis of the humanistics in the longs period Medievals. how Really Cattequesis to the childrens and Men odl.
Note the councils Trento Nicea and Constatinople and Efeso in who are papal power present in the tall formation of ideas not inspirated for lord God in the Errors
Note for the Monjes Conmon ihts only in part Denegated only for the Sumo Autoritys of the Illustred Priest in tall Asignatures for others Proscripted. in know in the Conciencies of Rome. proscripted for yuong Monasticals and Censured to the vision of others. in Menors power Eclesials in class existing 2 Asignatures in Rome I the Domicus class and II Agustinus and other in Menthions Benedictinus. and Order in funtion Eclesial. Magnus JHS in Revitions of the texts and Culture Ekumenicals in the Actuallity
Note for the Monjes Conmon ihts only in part Denegated only for the Sumo Autoritys of the Illustred Priest in tall Asignatures for others Proscripted. in know in the Conciencies of Rome. proscripted for yuong Monasticals and Censured to the vision of others. in Menors power Eclesials in class existing 2 Asignatures in Rome I the Domicus class and II Agustinus and other in Menthions Benedictinus. and Order in funtion Eclesial. Magnus JHS in Revitions of the texts and Culture Ekumenicals in the Actuallity
the firts philosphies in the Eclesial Part ison model of odl thecahing not concordancies to the holys Scriptures in the character originals. Expository.